KD Blog

Take Down Time: The Majestic


Last week, we bragged about how easy setting up a KD Kanopy Majestic series tent is. With two people, you can get our canopies up in a minute or less. That comes in handy when you’re running late for that trade show or when it’s just a really hot day. You won’t be sweating your head off assembling our tents.

But we didn’t just design half of the process to be easy. Who wants a tent that’s a breeze to set up and a hurricane to take apart? We were using our noggins when we designed the Majestic series. Encounter a freak rain storm and need to pack up – and quick? Or maybe you just don’t want a hassle after using one of our tents to shade a wedding. Don’t let us stand in your way!

Once you’ve got your tent all packed up, you might be looking at the top and wondering what to do: it’s not just a regular square of cloth you can bundle up and toss in the bag. How do you do it? Queue the video!

Our philosophy is that our tents should compliment your event, not detract from it because it requires so much awkward fumbling! Of course, we can’t help it if the cool-factor of our Majestic tent catches an eye or two at your next party.