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Tips to Planning a Backyard Wedding


Summer is a popular season for weddings, for one extremely compelling reason: everyone wants an outdoor wedding!

Planning a backyard wedding is easy to say, but it can be quite challenging to do. This is because of some essential “seasonal details” that must be considered.

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A backyard wedding can be ruined by torrential summer rain or hot summer sun. Luckily the solution is simple. You can buy a tent from KD Kanopy according to the size of your yard that can be used to protect your guests from rain and/or intense heat and sun. KD Kanopy can even customize your tent per your specifications.

Artificial lighting

Dancing in the dark is nice in some situations, but it is unlikely to work in case of a wedding. So, make sure there is a generator if an unexpected power failure occurs. Besides, you surely do not want to be left without all the fairy lights and accent lights you used to create such a perfect atmosphere!

Heels vs. grass

Do you want to please everyone? Impossible! Nevertheless, you can try to please as many guests as possible. For this, you can opt for the installation of provisory wooden pavements in your yard (similar to those you can see at beach bars), as it can be quite uncomfortable for ladies to walk on their high heels through the lawn. Another less expensive solution would be to put a basket with flat shoes at the entrance, or in a decoration area so that your guests can change if their shoes become uncomfortable.