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What Canopy Tent Materials are Best for Rainy Climates


custom canopy tent materials

One of the factors that have the potential to destroy most materials quick enough is moisture, so if you live in a rainy climate and want to make sure that your canopy tent will resist and protect you and your products during every commercial event you will attend, it is important to choose the right material, otherwise rain will ruin your experience and sales.

The most common materials custom canopy tents can be made from are vinyl, polyurethane, polyethylene and polyester. Each of these materials has its own price, as well as pros and cons.

When it comes to moisture resistance, it is good to know that vinyl and polyethylene are waterproof and weather-resistant in general. These are your best options in terms tent materials that are best for rainy climates. Outdoor vendors and event planners use them regularly.

On the other hand, polyester and polyurethane tents can also be a good choice, but only if you make sure they are specially manufactured to prevent water infiltration. The seams of a polyester tent must be sealed to keep away rain water, while polyurethane tents need resin coating, otherwise they will not provide adequate protection when it rains.