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4 Creative Ways to Jumpstart Your Marketing Campaign with KD Kanopy’s Custom Pop-Up Tents


Take your marketing campaign to the next level with innovative and functional ways to use your custom pop-up tent.

If you are feeling the creative pull of a new marketing campaign this season, you aren’t alone! For many in creative roles, the changing seasons provide the perfect opportunity to implement new ideas, including marketing campaigns that share your message with the world in a fresh and dynamic way.

Here are a few of our favorite ways that brands have capitalized on creativity and used their custom pop-up tent to create effective marketing campaigns and reached new audiences like never before:

1.   The Power of Samples

It’s the marketing campaign as old as time, people love to try something for free! For those in the restaurant or food sales business,  these samples are fairly straightforward or obvious (who doesn’t want to sign up for a newsletter in exchange for a taste of your latest smoothie flavor?)

But samples can be a useful technique, even for those in the service industry. Why not provide a free 20-minute consultation, or a demonstration of what you do, all under the supportive shelter of your custom pop-up tent? It’s an easy (and cost-effective) way to connect with more individuals and highlight the power of your offerings.

2.   Support a Cause That Matters to You

Passionate about the environment? Have a heart for accessible housing? Coincide your marketing campaign with causes that matter to you and your brand by participating in events and causes you are passionate about.

Most charities have a way for local organizations to be involved in fundraising or outreach events. Find out how you can participate, and connect with a new audience who also stands with the cause. (Bonus points for custom magnets or stickers that reflect your brand name along with the charity you are supporting.)

3.   Be Present at a New Venue

     There is something powerful about advertising in a new setting. For those organizations or businesses that generally run online, why not make an in-person appearance at the local craft fair or concert series? Or, if your storefront is your major place of business, mix things up by becoming a regular at charity events or during fundraisers. Partial to weekend markets? Consider setting your tent up in a new location or during different days of the week.

      Mixing up where you are marketing not only draws in a new audience, it gives existing customers a chance to see you in a new light (and provides the perfect opportunity to put your branding tools to the test.)

4.   Give your Storefront an Upgrade with a Custom Pop-Up Tent

If going off campus or leaving storefront property isn’t in the cards for this marketing campaign, you can still diversify your approach to attracting new customers, right on your home turf!

Adding a custom pop-up tent outside your storefront to notify bystanders of new services, products, or promotions will not only turn some heads but could also provide additional incentive to get people in the door. (Who knows? An engaged branded accessory outside your usual place of sales could change a potential buyer to a lifelong customer!)

Marketing Campaigns, Custom Pop-Up Tents, and YOU

There is no wrong way to use your custom pop-up tent from KD Kanopy, which means creativity abounds when you are considering new ways to engage your audience. If you have questions about what type of custom tent or canopy is right for you, or how branded marketing materials can help elevate your marketing campaign, reach out at any time. Our team is here to support you in your latest creative marketing campaign and beyond.